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Dustin Williams


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New Release

Return to Duty

When Captain Ryker Vaughn signed up for ordnance patrol, he knew that scavenging for improvised explosive devices carried risk. After unexpected and inexplicable dangers, he becomes the sole survivor of his team—and a double amputee. Cinching tourniquets on his traumatically amputated legs, he fends off enemies before losing consciousness.


After waking up post-surgery, Ryker finds prosthetic metal posts protruding through the skin of his residual limbs. The posts connect to state-of-the-art bionics called Ozzies, which could change his life by restoring his ability to walk, stronger and faster than ever. Yet despite receiving the life-altering technology, he vows to never walk again, believing that being mobile would dishonor his now deceased team. But when an unparalleled force enters Earth’s atmosphere, threatens to extract the planet’s most valuable resource, and abducts his little brother, Ryker must make a decision: stay under the covers, or use his innovative bionics and return to duty.

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[Return to Duty] bridges scientific innovations into realistic ideas and fuses them into possibilities. Within the book's twists and turns I couldn't put it down! I had to know the fate of humanity and especially that of Ryker!

Kate Eberhard

Praise & Reviews

Return to Duty grabs you from the first page and carries you on a fast-paced, exhilarating ride. This book has EVERYTHING for sci-fi and action fans. Kick-a**ery. Cool aliens and tech. Great characters you'll feel are your best friends. The love of family and friendship, and the loyalty of comrades. Even some romance and comedy. Best of all, it's inspired by real-life technology. This is your next 'can't put it down until 5 a.m.' book.

Sage Taylor Kingsley, Science-Fiction Editor, Reedsy and

Williams elegantly marries mortal science with immortal storytelling. Return to Duty is a rousing escape from the stresses and preoccupations of life. It is crafted to captivate the most intellectual readers while maintaining primal simplicity for younger readers- precisely what you want in a timeless adventure.

Nicholas Ashton, PhD

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About Osseointegration

Return to Duty was inspired by real-life work Dustin is involved with: the development of osseointegrated implant technology for transfemoral amputees in the U.S. The word "osseus" derives from Latin, meaning bone or bony; an osseointegrated implant is a metallic device, such as titanium, that integrates with bone. The picture above is a backscatter scanning electron microscope image of bone (light gray and dark gray regions) growing into porous metal (white regions).


Osseointegrated implants were first introduced in dentistry, and teams of scientists are now advancing the technology to create not only prosthetic but bionic legs for those who suffer from limb loss.

To learn more about osseointegration, visit:


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